English Conversation Club
Topic: ‘Work & Leisure’
(Make sure you introduce yourselves as necessary, perhaps joined to the first question. Also remember that are free to talk about anything you like!)
What do you want to do on your next break or vacation? (Or what did you do last time?)?
How do you usually spend your free time in Australia?
What kind of work have you enjoyed the most, and why?
What do you think would be the worst job? Why?
What do you think would be the best job? Why?
Do you prefer working by yourself or in a team with other people? Why?
Are you very self-motivated, or do you work better under pressure? Do you do things ahead of time, or at the last minute?
If you didn't have a job, would you find it difficult to live off government welfare or other charity?
In your country, how many hours per week do most people work?
Do you think it is better to have a job you enjoy, or a job that pays more money or gives better status?
How much paid leave time do people normally get in your home country?
Have you tried to get work in Australia? Was it easy to find a job?
How would you compare the work ethic between your home country and Australia?
What are some things you do to relax after working hard?
Do you think it is possible to work too hard? If so, how do think it should be avoided?
What are the most common leisure time activities in your country?
What are some of the more unusual recreation activities in your country?
Do you think retirement is for relaxing, or do you think you will always need something to keep yourself busy?