English Conversation Club
Topic: ‘Technology’
(Make sure you introduce yourselves as necessary, perhaps joined to the first question. Also remember that are free to talk about anything you like!)
If you could invent a new technology, what would it be and why?
What are the newest technology items you have used recently?
Do you think you adapt easily to new technology, or do you find it difficult?
Have you ever been in a situation where the level of technology was significantly different to what you were used to? What was it like and how did you cope?
Do you think life today is better or worse because of modern technology? Why?
What different types of modern technology do you regularly use?
If you were living 50 years ago in your home country, what do you think would have been different about your daily life, because of technology? 100 years ago?
Do you have your own computer? How important is it for you to have your own computer?
Do you prefer to read books online or read a paper copy?
What kinds of new technology were you exposed to during your schooling or university studies?
How have you found the availability and use of technology in Australia, compared to that in your home country?
Do you prefer modern medicine or traditional medical treatments?
How often do you access the internet? What kinds of ways do you use the internet?
How well do your parents embrace new technology?
Do you think advances in technology creates or removes jobs?
Do you think there will ever be such a thing as the paperless office?
Do you think there will ever be such as thing as a cashless society?
Technology can help people communicate faster and easier. Do you think technology has increased a sense of community or created more divisions in society?
How has your life changed in the last 5-10 years because of technology?
What changes do you think might happen in the next 5-10 years because of technology?