English Conversation Club
Topic: ‘Shopping’
(Make sure you introduce yourselves as necessary, perhaps joined to the first question. Also remember that are free to talk about anything you like!)
Is there anything you can’t buy here, but you wish you could?
Where do you think is the best place to do grocery shopping? Why?
When you shop for groceries do you try to get bargains? Do you look for specials? Do you use a shopping list, and do you only buy what’s on the list? Are you a decisive shopper?
Do you prefer think carefully before buying something, or just buy on impulse? Why?
Do you enjoy shopping? How often do you shop? Who normally does the shopping in your family? Who does it in Australia?
What other things have you found different about shopping here?
What are the most expensive things you have had to buy? How easy was it to choose what you wanted?
What factors are the most important when you are looking for a mobile phone?
How do you usually buy plane tickets? (eg internet, agent, phone)?
How often do you like to go windows-shopping?
How important is it for you to have name brand clothes eg Levi, Nike, Country Road etc? What brands are considered the best in your country?
Do you ever buy second hand clothes? What percentage of your spending money is spent clothes?
Have you ever bartered? Are you comfortable haggling over prices?
Do you buy things over the internet? Why or why not?
Do you use Ebay? What kind of things do you buy or sell? Do you think it works well?
Have you ever been scammed or conned, buying or selling something? What happened?
Do you ever buy things from a live auction? Why or why not?
Describe any advertising that really made you want to buy something (and you did!).
What kind of advertising do you think is best?
Do you trust someone trying to sell you something? Why/why not?
Are there things you wish you hadn't bought?
What do you most enjoy buying?