English Conversation Club
Topic: ‘Music’
(Remember that these questions are just discussion starters. You can talk about anything you like!)
What kind of music do you like to listen to the most? Why do you like that kind of music? (What music do you like the least?)
How do you prefer to listen to music: CD, radio, MP3, Youtube, TV, etc? Why?
Can you play a musical instrument? What instrument(s) and how long have you played? Did you enjoy learning?
Do you like singing karaoke? How often do you sing karaoke? What kind of songs to you sing?
Other than karaoke, do you like singing? What kind of songs do you sing, and when do you sing them?
Do you have any favourite songs, or songs that are special to you for some reason? Why do you like them?
Have you written any of your own songs? Tell us about them!
Do you think your favourite music twenty years from now will be the same as it is today?
Which musician would you most like to meet? Why?
Do you listen to different types of music for different situations or moods? What and when?
Can you concentrate on other things (eg work, study) while listening to music?
Have you ever been to a live concert? What was it like?
Do you like dancing? What kind of dancing do you do?
What is the traditional music of your home country like? Do you they use any unusual instruments?
How important do you think music is in your life? What about for your parents?
How important do you think the lyrics are in the music that we listen to?
What do you think about copyright restrictions on music?