English Conversation Club
Topic: ‘Hopes & Ambitions’
(Remember, if there are people you don’t know, at least briefly introduce yourselves. Also remember that you don’t have to limit yourselves to these questions.. the more conversation and interaction the better!)
Finish this sentence: "I am looking forward to…" or "I hope I will…"
When you were a little child, what did you want to be when you grew up (think as far back as you can)?
What other things did you like pretending to be as a child?
When you finished high school, what did you want to do for a career?
What do you now want to do for your career?
What was your main goal in coming to Australia? And is it still the same?
What do you think would be the key elements to a 'happy life'? Why do you think that?
Do you think the media influences our desires and aspirations? Do you find it the same in Australia as your home country?
What would you like to be doing in 20 years time?
Have you ever had any fears about the future, about what might happen?
What do you hope the world will be like in 20 years time?
What would you like to be doing after you retire from full-time employment?
Do you think your parents fulfilled their ambitions?
How important do you think it is to have hopes and ambitions?