English Conversation Club
Topic: ‘Health & Medicine’
(Make sure you introduce yourselves as necessary, perhaps joined to the first question. Also remember that are free to talk about anything you like!)
Do you think men or women are better at looking after their health?
Have you heard of "man flu"? What do you think about it?
Is it important to have a healthy diet? What does that look like for you?
How important is a good night's sleep? How much is needed each night?
Do you prefer "traditional" or "modern" medical treatments?
Are there any traditional medical treatments you commonly use?
How important is physical exercise to a healthy lifestyle?
Do you think people exercise more or less than in the past?
What kinds of exercise do you like to do?
What are the benefits of a healthy lifestyle?
Have you ever broken a bone or had a serious injury? What happened?
What do you think about cosmetic surgery? Would you consider it?
Does the current Ebola outbreak concern you? Is it in your country?
What do you think are the most important health care issues today?
Do you think medical treatment should be free or paid for by the government? What happens in your home country?
Do you think it is important to go to a dentist regularly?
Do you think employers should provide pay sick leave? How much?
What do you normally do if you feel like you are getting sick?
Do you think doctors are paid enough or too much?
Would you like to have a job as a doctor or nurse? Why/why not?
Which would you choose: a longer life or a more pleasurable life?
Do you prefer to take drugs/medicine to treat a problem quickly, or would you rather wait for your body to heal by itself?
In your home country, how are people with mental health issues treated? How are they viewed by society?
Have you heard any English idioms or expressions about health? (eg "under the weather", "back on your feet", "clean bill of health" etc)?