9:1-6 Why might Jesus have told the Twelve to take nothing with them?
9:7-9 Who did people think Jesus was?
9:10-11 How would you feel if you wanted to get away from everyone but they kept following you? What do we learn about Jesus' attitude to others?
9:12-17 What might we learn from Jesus feeding the five thousand men?
9:18-22 Who did Peter say Jesus was? What did Jesus say that meant regarding His mission?
9:23-27 What does it mean to be a follower of Jesus?
9:28-36 The event recorded in these verses is known as the 'transfiguration'. What do we learn here about who Jesus is? [Moses and Elijah are two very significant figures from the Old Testament. The Law came through Moses, and Elijah is one of the best known prophets. Both also heard God speak to them on a mountain.]