15:1-4 What do you think Jesus means when he says he is ‘the true vine’?
Read Isaiah 5:1-7. What does this teach us about God’s attitude toward the Jews? How might this help us understand better what Jesus means in calling himself ‘the true vine’?
15:5-8 What do these verses tell us about what it means to be a Christian (a follower of Christ and one of God’s people)?
15:9-17 What else do we learn about what it means to be a Christian? What do we learn about Jesus attitude toward Christians, and what he expects of them and does for them? What do you think about the idea that in Christianity we find a friend in Jesus?
15:18-25 What is the attitude of ‘the world’ to Jesus and to Christians? Who is ‘the world’? What is wrong with ‘the world’? What do you think about what Jesus says here? (Are you part of ‘the world’ or do you now follow Jesus?)