11:1-6 Who are the different people introduced here? What is their relationship with Jesus?
11:7-10 Why didn’t the disciples want to go back to Judea? What do you think Jesus meant when he answered about walking by day and by night?
11:11-20 What had happened to Lazarus in the meantime? Why do you think Jesus wanted to go to him now? What do Thomas’ words indicate about his understanding?
11:21-27 What did Martha believe concerning Jesus?
11:28-39 hy do you think Jesus weeps and is deeply moved when Mary says the same thing to him as Martha had just previously? What does this teach you about Jesus?
11:40-47 What miracle did Jesus perform, and what does it signify to us about Jesus? What was the response to the miracle from the people? Does this help explain what Jesus had said and done earlier?
11:48-57 What was the response of the Jewish council to what had happened? What was God’s purpose in this?