Genesis 40-41 Joseph: Exalted out of Suffering

Discussion Questions for Genesis 40:1-23

  1. Gen 40:1-22 Who did Joseph meet while in prison? What happened between these men and Joseph?

  2. Gen 40:23 What was the result for Joseph? How do you think you might feel if you were in Joseph's position?

Discussion Questions for Genesis 41:1-40

  1. Gen 41:1-8 How does this remind us of the previous chapter?

  2. Gen 41:9-36 What was the meaning of Pharaoh's dreams? How did Joseph know how to interpret them?

  3. Gen 41:37-40 What was the result for Joseph? What is different for Joseph compared to the last chapter? How might what happened to Joseph be an encouragement to us?

Pointing to Jesus Christ!