God created everything that is, and is separate and above everything else
God entered into a special relationship with the people He had made, drawing specially near to them
God put man in authority over the rest of creation
Man chooses to disobey God rather than trust God
Man is separated from God and from life
Gen 4:1-2 Who were Adam’s and Eve’s children we are told about here?
Gen 4:3-5 Why do you think the LORD preferred Abel’s offering to Cain’s? What was Cain’s response?
Gen 4:6-7 How does the LORD respond to Cain’s anger?
Gen 4:8-15 What is the result of Cain’s anger? How is this situation similar to Adam and Eve in the garden? How is it different?
Gen 4:16-24 Here we have an account of the first descendants of Cain. When the account concludes with Lamech, what impression are you left with about these people?
Gen 4:1-24 In this passage we see something of the outworking of sin and death as a result of the fall. Nonetheless, what evidence do we still see of God’s goodness toward mankind?
Gen 4:25-26 What is the significance of this new child, Seth, we are told about here? How might this be an encouragement in the story so far?